Sprucing up the Park

Today seemed like the perfect time to go clean up the Boulder Flycasters Memorial Park up Boulder Canyon.  The weather was cool and a little cloudy.  Six of us volunteered several hours of our Saturday doing just that (although we didn’t plan on the weather working in our favor). They were Dave Clark, Greg Nelson, Dan Miller, Paul Prentiss, Frank Selto and myself, Marian Clark.

Twice a year the Boulder Flycasters members go up there to cut down the tall grass, pick up trash and limb brush on the trails.  This was my first year as a volunteer and I have to say, I had a lot of fun.  Not only did we get outside in the air and burn a few calories, but we also did a good thing by cleaning up the park for the public to enjoy.

If you have never been there, it’s just past the first tunnel on Highway 7 headed towards Nederland and on the left side of the road.  They even have two nice benches facing the river great for picnicking.  Looks like the fishing would be good there too.steps

DMC Weed wacker


This is something I would encourage people to join in on for our future meets.  While we were working, a nice Asian couple with their children stopped by to see the river.  I really got a sense of pride in knowing that people stop by routinely, even from other cultures. We also witnessed a dad and his son come by with a fishing rod.

We hauled out a large trash bag full of trash and weeds.

It wonderful to belong to such a worthy organization who cares and are conscientious about the health of our rivers, streams and forests, and are willing to give up their personal time to keep our lands beautiful for all to enjoy.

Thanks Boulder Flycasters for staying on top of it!

Posted by Marian Clark, Member, Boulder Flycasters

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