Willow Harvesting and Staking

On June 21, I was joined by JD Fant, Kurt Soderberg, Jack Jostes, Mark Pscheid, and Fred Frankel to cut and stake willows for the Upper South Boulder Creek project.  It was an enjoyable and productive outing.  We cut over 500 stakes to be used later for bank stablization, and we cut and staked an additional 200 to restore an area where whole willow clumps had been harvested.  Many thanks to the volunteers!


willowssmall photo1

Red Rocks Lake USFS Youth Fishing Outing

Today, Keith Hesse, Greg Biesecker, Allen Nakagawa and I volunteered to help the U.S. Forest Service with their youth fishing outing in the Brainard Recreation Area. Colorado Parks and Wildlife was also represented.  It was a beautiful day, the kids were lots of fun, and fishing wasn’t real great.  I think everyone had a good time.





Upper South Boulder Creek Walkthrough

On May 15, Frank Selto and I joined Corey Engen (Flywater), Blair Vajda (Walsh), Ben Swigle (CPW) and Chris Carroll (USFS) for a final inspection of the USBC project.  All the construction looked very good.  Follow up work needed:

Moffat area: seeding, erosion control matting, and willow staking on the creek bank: – Flywater

Moffat area: willow cutting for stream bank (200) – Boulder Flycasters

Moffat area: willow cutting and restaking in USFS area (30?) – Boulder Flycasters

Jumbo Mountain area: rough-in 4 access points – Flywater

Jumbo Mountain area: willow staking – perhaps 20 if we think necessary.

Once we are notified the contractor is going to the site for seeding, we’ll be asking for 10 volunteers for a day of willow cutting and staking – should have 10 days or more lead time.


Jenny Creek

Jenny Creek is a South Boulder Creek tributary originating in the Rollins Pass area.  Over the years a section of the stream has rerouted onto an Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) trail.  The result is that about 7/10 of a mile of fish habitat and migration has been virtually ruined.  The United States Forest Service approached Boulder Flycasters about partnering with them on a restoration effort.  Initial details of the project are described on the Boulder Flycasters web page under “conservation”.

Upper South Boulder Creek Progress

Mark Riley and I visited the Jumbo Mountain Picnic Area (now South Boulder Creek Interpretive area) to review construction progress.  We were hosted by Blair Hurst from Walsh Environmental.  So far:

Moffat Tunnel area construction is complete

South Boulder Creek Interpretive area

  1. Rock staging complete
  2. Willow staging and planting complete
  3. 2 of 7 pools complete – should finish next week

So far it looks great!  Here are some pictures and a short video:

USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 001 USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 002 USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 004 USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 006 USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 007

Upper South Boulder Creek Progress

On March 16, Mark Riley and I traveled to the Moffat Tunnel area to check on progress.  We first underwent a railroad safety orientation (very interesting) and then toured the construction site.  So far:

  • Rock harvesting from slope immediately south of the creek is complete (for Moffat and Jumbo)
  • Several long riffle/pool areas were complete – looked very natural and fishy!
  • Some whole willows were planted along the stream bed and bank stabilization was complete
  • The Moffat area construction should complete next week and activities will move to Jumbo.
  • All activities should complete by 11/8 – weather permitting
  • Some willow cutting/staking will be done by BFC next spring – more to come later on this activity.
  • Here is a link to Mark’s pictures: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q5oddylhz34l6w7/kwZQ40hf1V

Upper South Boulder Creek Project Meeting


Drove through the rain to attend a project meeting for Upper South Boulder Creek today

Attendees from Flywater, Walsh, CPW, Denver Water, USFS and BFC

Design 75% complete – did approximately 20 cross sections of the two sites

Permitting on pace to be granted by 10/1 (Notification to proceed)

Site prep starting now – Fuel Cells and Excavators on site next week – start staging rock to areas of need.

Construction should complete by 1st week of November

Contractor will reseed areas as equipment is moved out.

BFC to replant willows from cuttings next spring – before leaf out.  Will need volunteers then (10 or more).